Unlike clothes buying bags is a tedious thing. The right designer bag can improve or ruin your look. I am a huge bag holder and I mostly buy bags online. Bags are the most functional items that one needs to check each part thoroughly apart from the outer look of it. I like to hold a nice sling bag or a big tote bag all the time. But this time I wanted a mini bag that was obviously a cute and aesthetic one. While searching for my required mini bag, I landed on the Hie Style website. I love the unique and trendy collection of different kinds of bags there. I got a classy mini sling bag for me, which I will share later in this post. Hie Style believes in quality over quantity, and you can understand that once you receive your happiness inside a parcel. There is no compromise and comparison in style, trend, quality, and design of the bags at Hie Style. You can get bags from different materials, from wicker to vegan leather, or with a combo of both. You will get bags at different ranges
Just as the winter season can be harsh on a newborn’s skin, so can the summer season. The dryness of the air is rather unforgiving on a baby’s delicate skin and can rob it off all its moisture, leaving it parched and dry. Since the summer season has already begun, I’ve been noticing my baby girl’s soft
skin losing its smoothness and feeling rougher than ever, especially in the high-stress areas like elbows and knees.
My regular lotion didn’t help combat the problem, which left me in a fix as I didn’t have the time to resort to home remedies and needed something quickly. Something that was intensely moisturizing without being too strong on my baby’s elbows and knees. So I put my research cap on and got to work to find out ingredients that a baby cream should have in order to be moisturizing and safe for use on such areas.
In my hours of research, I found something really interesting. I discovered that it’s not just the ingredients that make a difference in the suitability and safety of baby cream. The pH level of the product matters just as much. Probably even more as products with the wrong pH level can have a damaging effect on a baby’s tender skin.
Now you might wonder why is pH level important? I wondered the same and dug deeper into the skin’s pH level to find out why. I learned that the pH level of the skin can be defined as its acidity or alkalinity, which ranges from a level 0 to 14. Levels 0 to 7 indicate acidity, while 8 to 14 denote
alkalinity. 7 is considered to be a neutral pH (1).
pH neutral products are quite common and branded as gentle so I thought that’s what I needed in my daughter’s baby cream. But I found out that neutral pH is actually not good for my daughter’s skin, or any baby’s for that matter. The baby's skin’s ideal pH level is 5.5, which is what keeps the
skin healthy, radiant and protected from infections (2). A neutral pH product or that with a lower or higher pH level than 5.5 can disrupt skin health. And that’s definitely something I didn’t want my princess’ delicate and dry skin to go through. Especially in this harsh summer season.
So after trying many baby creams, I settled for the Baby Sebamed Cream Extra Soft. I had been meaning to try out the baby care range of this German brand for a while as its products have been developed by dermatologists. And they also have the ideal pH level of 5.5.
If you ask me about my experience with the Baby Sebamed Cream Extra Soft, it has been a positive one so far. I’m into a month of using this cream on my baby’s elbows and knees and a very little
quantity of the tube has depleted so far. In my opinion, that’s awesome as this cream is a little expensive – Rs. 637/- for a 200ml tube!
The Baby Sebamed Cream Extra Soft has a very thick consistency so I have to be careful of not applying too much as it can get greasy. A small quantity, however, suffices and moisturizes my baby’s skin really well! There have been no instances of dryness or even rashes for that matter since
I started using this cream. And my baby’s knees and elbows seem to be retaining its smoothness and glow! This makes me believe that the Baby Sebamed Extra Soft cream might also be quite suitable
for babies when they start crawling.
Overall, I really like the Baby Sebamed Cream Extra soft and its mild aroma. I’ll continue using it and would suggest other mommies try it out too on their babies. I hope this article helped you learn a
thing or two about hydrating your baby’s elbows and knees this summer season!
Xoxo... 😊
Sebamed has been a great tried and tested brand for me. I have liked using their products on my baby before and I am sure to try these out too.
ReplyDeleteNoor Anand Chawla
I have been noticing my baby cousins skin dry too! Will suggest my aunt to check out this product from sebamed. ✔😊
ReplyDeleteSebamed products are really safe and good for babies! This cream looks great too! And since a little is needed each time, I guess it is worth the price, even though a bit expensive!
ReplyDeleteThat's a very informative and helpful post for all new mommies. I will surely pass the info to my sister for her baby.
ReplyDeleteGreat product 👍👍 baccho k liye aisa hi kuch accha effective product chaiye
ReplyDeleteSebamed always come to the rescue. I trust only sebamed for my baby. They have no side effects on her sensitive skin.
ReplyDeleteMust use in every season. Sebamed has always been my go to product when it comes to skin care for all in the family.
ReplyDeleteSummer is a tricky season and kids skin need so much more attention during this period. Thanks for sharing about Sebamed. It is a brand that I as a mom always trust.
ReplyDeleteSebamed products are amazing. Soft and safe to skin. It does not harm soft delicate skin of baby because of ph 5.5
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who has a toddler. I am damn sure, he might find this blog damn insightful and helpful too. Thank you for sharing such a beautifully explained blog on a topic hat I hardly knew anything about.
ReplyDeleteknow why is pH level important to check at the time of buying product. this is very informative post.
ReplyDeleteUsing products with right pH level is very important for our babies. Sebamed products are great for our lil ones.
ReplyDeleteSebamed is a trustworthy brand and it makes amazing products for babies as well..great tips shared for new parents!
ReplyDeleteThis is informative. Look forward to trying the product.
ReplyDeleteSebamed is our favorite brand too. When it comes to child's skin care Seba med is the best with their 5.5 ph value
ReplyDeletei am using sebamed products , soft and safe for baby. Ph 5.5 keep baby skin as soft as just born skin
ReplyDeleteThis blog is really helpful. I have tried many baby creams but those didn't work that well. Ill love to try this cream on my baby for sure.
ReplyDeleteSebamed products are amazing surely going to try this product, I am using sebamed rash cream and it works wonder on rash, and the ph factor is really important while choosing baby products
ReplyDeleteSebamed is a nice brand. i have been hearing a lot about it. I would recommend this to my bhabhi for her kids
ReplyDeleteThanks for such an informative post, will surely share it with my mates who have their little ones!
ReplyDeleteI have heard good things about all the products of Sebamed. Though I don't use one but have seen friends as happy customers.
ReplyDeleteI've been using sebamed since my elder kid was a baby. We trust the brand.
ReplyDeleteThis is a nice product for baby's delicate skin. Will share with my friends who are new moms
ReplyDeleteHave used Sebamed and it is effective and safe baby product for sure.
ReplyDeleteSebamed indeed is best for baby care.. I love there face cream as well . Never any allergy appears while we use it
ReplyDeleteSebamed is one of the most trusted brands. I definitely need to Try this one for my son.
ReplyDeleteSebamed is one of the most trusted brands. will definitely be trying this one for my son.