Unlike clothes buying bags is a tedious thing. The right designer bag can improve or ruin your look. I am a huge bag holder and I mostly buy bags online. Bags are the most functional items that one needs to check each part thoroughly apart from the outer look of it. I like to hold a nice sling bag or a big tote bag all the time. But this time I wanted a mini bag that was obviously a cute and aesthetic one. While searching for my required mini bag, I landed on the Hie Style website. I love the unique and trendy collection of different kinds of bags there. I got a classy mini sling bag for me, which I will share later in this post. Hie Style believes in quality over quantity, and you can understand that once you receive your happiness inside a parcel. There is no compromise and comparison in style, trend, quality, and design of the bags at Hie Style. You can get bags from different materials, from wicker to vegan leather, or with a combo of both. You will get bags at different ranges
Hola girlss... How are you all today? I am too good these days ,don't know why...!! Well, today I am going to save your money on spending for useless things... don't get confused, read the heading again...
These days schools are becoming fancy kind... In my son's school every month they celebrate 2-3kinds day (colour day, fruit day, flower day, etc..) and we mommies has to invest our energy and money just to prepare them for the celebration day... Don't know what you think about all these, but I don't enjoy all these at all.
For example - if the school is celebrating any particular colour day, then I have to send my son on that colour dress with any toy of the same colour... And if the colour dress or toy is not at home, then I have to buy that... Again if there is any fruit/ vegetable/flower day, then I have to send my kid with the outfit as directed by school... If I am going to buy that particular outfit (which only he will wear once , I am sure),then minimum 500/- I have to spend... And if I am hiring cloths (which are obviously dirty and not looking good at all) ,then around 300-400/- bucks will go.. Just think every month no-one will want to spend such amounts... Isn't it sounding hectic?
Then I decided to switch on my creative mind and will do DIY outfits (with very less investment) for the celebrations of his school add trust me I
Once he has vegetable day at his school and he was given to become 'BRINJAL' . Hence I prepared the outfit by myself... Let's get into the steps...
Products Required -
1- A large purple craft paper
2- Three small size green craft paper
3- Four shiny dark purple paper
4- A piece of white paper and red paper
5- Ribbon
6-A black sketch pen
7-Glue and scissors
Steps -
1- Cut the large craft paper in the shape of a brinjal and make the neck portion gap... Refer the picture..
2-As the purple craft paper is lighter in shade, I sticked the shiny dark purple paper on it. (It is completely optional, you can skip)
3- Now cut the green paper into the shape of leaves and stick on the neck portion of brinjal..
4- Now stapled the ribbon at the two ends of neck portion.. I had tied the ribbon at back side of neck and in this way the brinjal will not fall down..
5 - Now to add some funny texture, I have created a funny face design using the white and red paper... For eyes used the black sketch pen..
6- For the crown of brinjal, I have used the left over green paper and sticked those with glue and stapled few too. And done 😊
6- For the crown of brinjal, I have used the left over green paper and sticked those with glue and stapled few too. And done 😊
See the below picture, you will get an idea that how it looks...
Hope you found the post helpful... I will share more such DIY outfit for school fancy dress.. Till then bye...
Love xoxo 💖💖
He's the cutest brinjal 😍😘
ReplyDeletethank you... 😘😘
DeleteU know I love baigan ka bharta.. But never ever saw such a cute brinjal.. Loads of love to my little prince :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Anji... 😘😘
Deleteso ... cute .... outfit and your son looking super cute in it ... lovely idea dear .. thanks for sharing .
ReplyDeleteThank you Aditi..
DeleteCutiest Brinjal I hv ever seen. Lovely D.I.Y.
ReplyDeleteHahaha... Thank you...
Deletewow this is so creative and he is the cutest brinjal ever
ReplyDeleteThank you priya... 😘😘
DeleteThis has to be the liveliest brinjal/eggplant ever! He is posing so happily like a sport!
ReplyDeleteHahaha thank you...
DeleteIt's a wonderful diy. The post is surely going to help the other moms. Kisses to that sweet brinjal.
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked this post... Thank you so much..
DeleteAgree to your point. Schools now a days demand tooamy things. But lovely brinjal outfit you created!
ReplyDeleteHmm... And that demand makes us to be creative, right... Thank you
DeleteLovely DIY and your son is looking too cute :-)
ReplyDeleteAww... Thank you..
DeleteLolz..such a cute brinjal he is 💟
ReplyDeleteThank you ragini 😘
DeleteYou are one creative mama. This little brinjal is cute.
ReplyDeletethank you minakshi...
DeleteOmg😍 how creative you are 😊👌❤ this is a very nice diy ☺
Thank you Ana... 😊
DeleteAww.. so cute :)
ReplyDeletehaha thank you..
Deleteoh my my! how cute is that. Kudos to your creativity
ReplyDeleteThank you tamanna... 😘😘
DeleteSuch creative work! I so love the way you do all the DIY! Love u!!! :* :* :*
ReplyDeleteluv u too.... Thank you dear... 😘😘
DeleteI am an art lover. From my childhood days I prefer craft over anything and every thing. This is such a cute post. I'll definitely try it.
ReplyDeleteOhh great... Try it and show me the outcome... Thank you
DeleteYou are a super creative mom. Loved it...
ReplyDeletethank you joshita...
DeleteAwww... When you write the step by step...it does look so easy!!! Definitely trying it for the coming year
ReplyDeleteThank you so much... I am glad you liked it...
DeleteOMG he looks so adorable!
ReplyDeleteThank you sayantini...
DeleteThis is amazing! Good work!
ReplyDeleteYou make it look so easy! Awesome diy :)
ReplyDeleteThanks .i was searching for the one like this.thanks for the creativity.