Unlike clothes buying bags is a tedious thing. The right designer bag can improve or ruin your look. I am a huge bag holder and I mostly buy bags online. Bags are the most functional items that one needs to check each part thoroughly apart from the outer look of it. I like to hold a nice sling bag or a big tote bag all the time. But this time I wanted a mini bag that was obviously a cute and aesthetic one. While searching for my required mini bag, I landed on the Hie Style website. I love the unique and trendy collection of different kinds of bags there. I got a classy mini sling bag for me, which I will share later in this post. Hie Style believes in quality over quantity, and you can understand that once you receive your happiness inside a parcel. There is no compromise and comparison in style, trend, quality, and design of the bags at Hie Style. You can get bags from different materials, from wicker to vegan leather, or with a combo of both. You will get bags at different ranges
A mother can't see her baby in trouble. When the baby cry restlessly ,the parents also become restless to find out the reason. During the early stages (from few days to born to 3-4 months old ) babies do fall sick very often. Colic is one of the very common issue in new born babies or small babies. If you wonder, what is a colicky baby then let me tell you it is nothing but a disturbed stomach of baby. Gas, indigestion cause colic in babies and it starts after 2-3weeks of the baby born.
Gas, upset stomach can make the baby cranky and cry. When the baby is crying for a longer duration and parents not able to calm the baby down after so much effort, then colic might be there . There are few things to remember to sooth down a colicky baby . Here I am going to list down 6 ways which I find useful for myself.
1. Warm Bath - A nice warm bath is great for babies to relax their body and relieve stress . Their mind get diverted in this way and the baby become less cranky.
2. Oil massage - Oil massage is very necessary for babies. It soothes their muscles and relax their body and also helps in digestion. Along with oil massage, knee pushing exercise is also beneficial in digestion .
3. Burping the baby - Burping your baby after each feed is really necessary to release the gas from stomach. For burping, hold your baby against your shoulder and tap his back gently.
4. Longer feed from each breast - Always make sure to feed your baby longer duration from each breast. The hind milk which comes after sometime from breast is more nutritious than the foremilk comes immediately from breast after sucking. The hind milk has more fat which helps in proper digestion. Hence continues alternation between the breasts might cause colic and longer switch between each breast can avoid colic issue.
5. Closeness with the baby - Always try to maintain bodily contact with your baby. This will make the baby feel more secure and less cry. Wear babycarrier to carry your baby and co-sleep is another idea.
6. Let the baby suck - Allow the baby suck fingers, this will ensure good digestion too.
Mothersparsh Ayurvedic Tummy Roll-on :
There are also home remedies to cure colic in baby. You can use asafoetida ,basil, etc to cure colic issue. Recently our very own brand mothersparsh has launched 100% Ayurvedic tummy roll on . This has completely natural ingredients, no chemicals and alcohol . It is so skin friendly and can opted for tiny babies too.
This cute little tummy roll on is a blend of 5 types of oils which are very well-known to cure colic issue in babies. It has hing oil, pudina oil, sonth oil, sova oil ,saunf oil. Hing oil's antibacterial property helps to treat abdominal colic, gas, flatulence & indigestion. It also cures abdominal pain, constipation & upset stomach in babies.
This priced Rs249/- and available on amazon HERE
There is also an infant care kit available in which you are getting two of their best seller water wet wipes packets and one ayurvedic tummy roll-on. I think this kit is a must needed it you are a recent new mom or going to be mom.. I too use the same for my new born baby.
For more info, do check out Mothersparsh website HERE..
Here I am penning down and hope you found this post helpful. See you in the next post..
Sounds like an awesome and effective product to treat colic in babies. 😊
ReplyDeleteWish this product was there when my daughter was a baby. This is such a handy and useful products from Mother Sparsh for new moms
ReplyDeleteI am ao glad that Mother Sparsh has introduced this wonderful and innovative product on the Indian market.
ReplyDeleteNoor Anand Chawla
Colic is really troublesome and painful for babies... Every parent wishes for a good remedy for colic! This roll on looks really effective!
ReplyDeleteIt's so tough to soothe a crying baby. Most of the times we it's colic. Using herbal and chemical free product is the best bet. Totally trust MamaEarth
ReplyDeleteThis tummy roll on is a saviour for new mommies and their kids. I will recommend to my friend who became a mother recently
ReplyDeleteits difficult to understand baby colic problem and mom also get worried , what she can do to sooth baby but Mother sparsh make it easy
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that hind milk was different from foremilk! That is interesting! Also, the roll on looks really effective!
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard to relive a baby with colic pain. Glad we have some things very natural and safe. Thanks for reviewing this product.
ReplyDeleteMothersparsh is an amazing brand for kids products. And the tummy roller looks soothing for kids and give them comfort. Definitely going to share this with new mommies
ReplyDeleteNothing hurts more than a crying baby in colic pain. Tummy rollers is helpful for parents.
ReplyDeleteIt's so difficult to sooth s crying baby. I try hing application on the stomach but this product looks more tried and tested, also good for babies.
ReplyDeleteIt so nice we moms now have such wonderful products to help relieve our babies..
ReplyDeleteI resort only to natural remedies for colic, but this seems promising.
ReplyDeleteThis tummy roll-on from a trusted brand looks super effective to bring relief to the colic pain in babies.
ReplyDeleteI remember that time when my son also suffered with colic problems and it was so difficult to soothe him during that time. I wish we had mothersparsh back then.
ReplyDeleteColic pain in babies is worrisome for moms. This is a good and handy product from Mother Sparsh.
ReplyDeleteSo this time you are lucky because you have this tummy roller. It's an amazing product.
ReplyDeletethis is a good relief roll on with natural ingredients. its so difficult to see a baby crying in pain!
ReplyDeleteI have been trying many home remedies to soothe the colic pain and hing helps a lot. Happy to know about Mothersparsh tummy roll on.
ReplyDeleteIt is not an easy task to soothe a crying baby easily .But mothersparsh tummy roll on is good as it works effectively for babies.
ReplyDeleteColic pain is really issue for babies .. thankfully these Rollons are really handy and useful
ReplyDeleteYour baby’s bath time is a special daily ritual that gives you time to cherish some laughs with your little one. However, choosing harsh soaps for this special session can strip the softness from your baby’s delicate skin and lead to irritation and dryness. It is thus essential to watch out for chemically induced soaps and only invest in the best baby care products online. You can give your baby a refreshing feel with Maaté's Baby Body Wash. This organic baby body wash not only pampers their gentle skin but also adds to their health. It is a natural cleanser that rinses with care and leaves your baby’s tender skin soft, supple, and radiant. Check it out here- https://www.Maate.in/baby-body-wash.html
ReplyDeleteIf you’re looking to buy baby products online which nourish your little one from within, I’ve recently been obsessed with this new baby care brand online called Maate which offers natural solutions for your baby’s skin care needs. Suresh and Priyanka Raina’s brainchild, Maaté brings high-quality, chemical-free products to nourish your baby right at your doorstep. You can check out their range here- https://www.maate.in/shop.html
ReplyDeleteMaaté has the range of best baby care products that are mild on the delicate skin of your child. From cleansing, nourishing to comforting products, the baby brand covers it all. Every mother must try out the goodness of natural and ayurvedic skincare products for her child by visiting here - https://www.maate.in/shop.html