Unlike clothes buying bags is a tedious thing. The right designer bag can improve or ruin your look. I am a huge bag holder and I mostly buy bags online. Bags are the most functional items that one needs to check each part thoroughly apart from the outer look of it. I like to hold a nice sling bag or a big tote bag all the time. But this time I wanted a mini bag that was obviously a cute and aesthetic one. While searching for my required mini bag, I landed on the Hie Style website. I love the unique and trendy collection of different kinds of bags there. I got a classy mini sling bag for me, which I will share later in this post. Hie Style believes in quality over quantity, and you can understand that once you receive your happiness inside a parcel. There is no compromise and comparison in style, trend, quality, and design of the bags at Hie Style. You can get bags from different materials, from wicker to vegan leather, or with a combo of both. You will get bags at different ranges
Oriflame Milk and Honey Gold Night Cream Reaview
After 3 months i am going to write one review. In between my twinu baby completed his first b'day . Now i am a super busy mum and that is the only reason i won't publish posts every day or every alternate day.. Any way now start today's review which is on my first ever night cream.
We all know,a good night cream is very essential in our skin care vanity. Everyday application of nigh cream makes your skin smooth and soft . This one is my first night cream and i have 50-50 experience with it. The night cream belongs to Oriflame's Milk and Honey Gold range. Let's see my thought on that...
Price : Rs498/-
Quantity: 50gm.
Shelf Life: 3years.
My take: After using the cleanser of Oriflame's milk and honey gold range (read review here), I thought to try their night cream. In fact this one is my first night cream. Before that i was only applied rose water on my face at night. Well.. packaging is really cute. Comes in a tiny glass tub with a white plastic cap. Due to the glass packaging it is not travel-friendly. Even you have to take proper care while applying,otherwise it may be slip from your hand. (I personally dropped this two times by mistake.. :p). Again the glass tub comes inside a cardboard pack which helps to make it a little bit safe. You can find all necessary informations on the cardboard box.
The cream is slightly thick in texture and pearly white in color. A tiny quantity easily spread on the whole face and it is quickly absorbed by skin also. This cream is very light on skin . The 50ml. small tub runs for 2-3 months easily . The fragrance is very sweet like the cleanser , but stays for a while.
The day I had received this cream ,applied immediately at that night. I was just enjoying during applying this as per its fragrance. And on the next morning I loved the smooth and supple skin of mine. I was touched my face again and again to fill the smoothness... In between i have finished two tubs of this. The first one is in summer-rainy season when my skin is normal type ,and the second one is in winter season when my skin becomes dry. In summer or rainy season this cream works good ,but in winter it doesn't. It doesn't able to cover the dryness of winter. As the brand says ,this night cream is for dry to very dry skin ,i am totally disagree with that. I think this is for normal skin type.
See the pics now..
After 3 months i am going to write one review. In between my twinu baby completed his first b'day . Now i am a super busy mum and that is the only reason i won't publish posts every day or every alternate day.. Any way now start today's review which is on my first ever night cream.
We all know,a good night cream is very essential in our skin care vanity. Everyday application of nigh cream makes your skin smooth and soft . This one is my first night cream and i have 50-50 experience with it. The night cream belongs to Oriflame's Milk and Honey Gold range. Let's see my thought on that...
Price : Rs498/-
Quantity: 50gm.
Shelf Life: 3years.
My take: After using the cleanser of Oriflame's milk and honey gold range (read review here), I thought to try their night cream. In fact this one is my first night cream. Before that i was only applied rose water on my face at night. Well.. packaging is really cute. Comes in a tiny glass tub with a white plastic cap. Due to the glass packaging it is not travel-friendly. Even you have to take proper care while applying,otherwise it may be slip from your hand. (I personally dropped this two times by mistake.. :p). Again the glass tub comes inside a cardboard pack which helps to make it a little bit safe. You can find all necessary informations on the cardboard box.
The cream is slightly thick in texture and pearly white in color. A tiny quantity easily spread on the whole face and it is quickly absorbed by skin also. This cream is very light on skin . The 50ml. small tub runs for 2-3 months easily . The fragrance is very sweet like the cleanser , but stays for a while.
The day I had received this cream ,applied immediately at that night. I was just enjoying during applying this as per its fragrance. And on the next morning I loved the smooth and supple skin of mine. I was touched my face again and again to fill the smoothness... In between i have finished two tubs of this. The first one is in summer-rainy season when my skin is normal type ,and the second one is in winter season when my skin becomes dry. In summer or rainy season this cream works good ,but in winter it doesn't. It doesn't able to cover the dryness of winter. As the brand says ,this night cream is for dry to very dry skin ,i am totally disagree with that. I think this is for normal skin type.
See the pics now..
UPzz :
1- Cute Packaging
2- Very light weight on skin
3- Tiny amount is enough to cover the whole face and is quickly absorbed by skin
4- Very sweet fragrance
5- Good for summer/ rainy season
6- One tub lasts for 2-3 months easily
7- Gives smooth and soft skin in the morning
1- It isn't travel-friendly due to glass packaging
2- Some may find pricey
3- Not for winter
Rating: 3/5
Final Thought: For dry skin it is a big no and for normal skin it is a big yes... I will buy it again but during offer period.. :p
Thanx for stopping by...
Stay Healthy
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